Waze, Here.com y Bing Places, las herramientas de QDQ media
Administador • feb 23, 2018
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We mentioned this month in an article, QDQ Media is still committed to improving the online conversion of SMEs and for this is incorporating new tools and platforms that provide greater visibility and online traffic to their customers. On this occasion, we are going to talk about Waze , Here.com and Bing Places , the new acquisitions of QDQ Media that add to its extensive list of tools, aimed at the online conversion of small and medium enterprises.


As an online marketing agency specializing in small and medium businesses, QDQ Media takes another step to increase the presence of its customers on the Internet. The approach is very clear, to provide SMEs with all possible resources to increase traffic and visibility , which undoubtedly results in an improvement of the online conversion rate.

Internet users increasingly use platforms based on geolocation . This includes both navigation systems and search engines. Although these services were already included in the strategies of QDQ Media, it increases the presence of its customers with Waze, Here.com and Bing Places.

It is about capturing the attention of those users who make a query about a product or service and show interest in knowing the location of companies that can meet their needs, especially those that are in their area of ​​action. With the three mentioned tools, SMEs have a comprehensive service that covers the searches made by users on the most popular Internet platforms.


The Presence Plus service of QDQ Media , offered until now a complete service based on the positioning and visibility offered by Google My Business (presence in search engines, Google Maps and Google +), as well as social networks such as Facebook , Instagram or Whatsapp .

All this is complemented with the creation of optimized web spaces that allow increasing online conversion, as well as the incorporation of advanced technologies (a / b test, heat maps, etc.) that keep commercial platforms updated , according to the latest trends in user navigation and consumption.

The incorporation of Bing Places (Bing and Yahoo), as the new search engine and the Waze and Here.com navigation platforms, are one more step to improve the online conversion of the associated companies and we are sure that they will not be the latest news with which QDQ Media will surprise its customers.

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